Alaska is home to a slew of furious furry giants, notably bears! Two of the most common bruin residents are the black bear (Ursus americanus) and the grizzly bear (Ursus arctos), often referred to as brown bears in coastal Alaska. These not so cuddly titans of the last frontier might seem similar at first glance, but look closer, and the differences are many. Wether you’re simply viewing bears or hunting them, it is important to be able to distinguish the two. In this article we’ll break down everything you need to know about black bears vs. grizzly bears.
Porcupines in Alaska: Examining the Last Frontiers Prickly Rodent
Alaska’s vast wilderness is home to a wide variety of fascinating critters, from grizzly bears to humpback whales. Among these rugged landscapes roams one of the animal kingdom’s most unique and misunderstood creatures: the porcupine. With their notoriously prickly quills and elusive behavior, porcupines can be found in almost every corner of the last frontier. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of porcupines in Alaska, exploring their habitat, diet, range, life cycle, and more!
Reptiles & Amphibians in Alaska: Land of NO SNAKES!
Alaska, renowned for its stunning landscapes and abundant wildlife, is often associated with towering mountains, vast glaciers, and iconic mammals like bears and moose. However, beneath the surface of its rugged terrain lies a lesser-known world inhabited by a few cold-blooded critters. In this article, we’ll explore the reptiles and amphibians that call Alaska home. From elusive frogs hiding in dense southeastern rain forests to the occasional sea turtle sighting, we delve into the often overlooked denizens of the Last Frontier.
Edible Mushrooms in Alaska: Foraging the Last Frontier + (Poisonous Species)
In Alaska’s rugged landscapes, nature’s pantry is brimming with delicious fungi waiting to be discovered. Whether you’re drawn to the thrill of foraging or simply curious about what’s available on the floors of the 49th state, we’re here to help. In this article we’ll cover everything you need to know about foraging for fungi in Alaska, which ones are okay to eat, poisonous, and a few that are questionable. So join us as we uncover the Alaska’s edible mushrooms.
Poisonous Plants & Berries in Alaska: Lethal Flora of The Last Frontier
Alaska is one of the few places you can still truly live off the land. The beautifully rugged landscapes of the 49th state are rich in resources and available for anyone willing to learn how to tap into them. Whether you’re looking to enrich your life off the grid, you’re an outdoor enthusiast, or you simply need berries to make a pie; there are few things you should be aware of when foraging in the last frontier. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the poisonous plants and berries in Alaska.
Alaska Grizzly Bear Hunting: The Truth Behind a Cruel Practice
Trophy hunting for grizzly bears in Alaska is when rich, bored, blood lust hunters seek to claim the heads and hides of Alaska’s most magnificent creatures. While trophy hunting disregards the intrinsic value of these animals and perpetuates a culture of exploitation and dominance over nature, this sad symbol of conquest and status is big business in the Last frontier. So let’s get into it!